In June of 1861, Cavour died in his family palazzo in Turin. The loss of the brilliant Prime Minister at the most important moment of the unification movement was disastrous for the future of Italy. Fortunately, Italy had another great aristocrat who grew wine on his country estate who was ready to lead the new Italy: Bettino Ricasoli, (1809-1880) Barone di Brolio. Brolio was one of the greatest of Tuscany's vineyards. It was soon to be the oldest wine business in Italy.  Ricasoli had been the leader of the Tuscan liberation movement for years, and now that Florence had voted to join the new Kingdom of Italy, Ricasoli was the perfect successor to Cavour. In 1865, the new government would choose to move the capital of the Kingdom to Florence.


This is the best one-volume history of Italy that includes the modern part that we want. It provides you with a nice introduction to earlier periods and those of you who studied the Renaissance last year will find these chapters an easy review. We will use the book all quarter.

Christopher Duggan,

A Concise History of Italy,

Cambridge University Press; 2 edition (January 20, 2014),

ISBN 0521747430